Q-L804 geographical location

This is the geographical locations of the YFull kits of the interesting branch Q-L804 with closest relatives among the American indians. Non YFull kits gets a highly transparent dot in the predicted branch colour that can show the dencity of Q-L804.

Some how the Q-L804 branch seems to have made it to northern Europe at some point, likely through Siberia. The common origin with native americans is likely in Siberia or Beringia. Papers that shed some light on this migration includes:

Lamnidis, T.C., Majander, K., Jeong, C. et al. Ancient Fennoscandian genomes reveal origin and spread of Siberian ancestry in Europe. Nat Commun. 2018, 9

Clio Der Sarkissian, et al., Mitochondrial Genome Sequencing in Mesolithic North East Europe Unearths a New Sub-Clade within the Broadly Distributed Human Haplogroup C1. PLoS One. 2014, 9(2). This paper discuss the finding of three individuals of the 7500-year-old Mesolithic site of Yuzhnyy Oleni Ostrov that were C1. The connection between northern Europe and the population that colonized America can thus be very old.

The Genographic Project (Geno) kits with Q-L804

Geno stoped collecting samples in August 2019 but have captured some Q-L804. They are listed below but not yet included in the maps. Most are in our traditional areas but one kit is from Slovakia (American tester) and we got two new northern kits in Hammerfest in northern Norway.

Table 1: GENO, Q-L804
Y-hg Paternal ancestor place of birth Paternal ancestor ethnicity
Q-CTS5867 Ringerike, Norway Scandinavian
Q-CTS5867 Valdres, Norway Norwegian
Q-L804 Schleswig-Holstein, Germany German
Q-L804 Grundsunda and Nordmaling Swedish
Q-L804 Germany or Netherlands German
Q-L804 Umeå, Västerbotten County, Sweden Swedish
Q-L804 Germany Germanic
Q-L804 swedish
Q-L804 Vänersborg, Sweden Swedish
Q-L804 Kwidzyn, PL (Marienwerder), village Kameniec, PL German
Q-L804 Norway Norwegian
Q-L804 Lapland Swedish
Q-L804 Arkansas/Missouri Unknown…English last name
Q-L804 England english
Q-L804 London, UK English
Q-L804 North-west Norway Norwegian
Q-L804 Hants County, Nova Scotia Scot-English
Q-L804 Suffolk, England English. (Bigelow.)
Q-L804 Hyde England English
Q-L804 Trondheim, Sor-Trondelag, Norway Norwegian
Q-L804 West Fjords Icelandic
Q-L804 Kongsberg, Norway Danish/Norwegian
Q-L804 New York State United States
Q-L804 Oslo Norwegian
Q-L804 Ollaberry Shetland Islander
Q-L804 Hyllestad Norwegian
Q-L804 Moonta, South Australia, Australia Australian
Q-L804 South Iceland Icelandic
Q-L804 South Iceland Icelandic
Q-L804 Schenectady, New York German
Q-L804 Southwest Iceland Icelandic
Q-L807 English- Welsh
Q-L807 Vacez, Tatra Mountains Slovak
Q-L807 Wilmslow, Cheshire, England English
