
Visited again the old settlements of some of my forefathers. The house on the picture is standing on the place where Erik Ersson (b. ca. 1669) helped his brother Håkan (b. ca. 1670) to start a farm in Örträsk in 1706. It has not been properly dated but might be from around 1750. (Green dot on the map at the bottom) The map below over Håkans farm is klickable for a large map over Örträsk from 1713.


Arctophilacius This is my paper link back to the big Sursill, Arctophilacius and Calamnius family. The link is probably wrong as there are conflicting DNA tests of the paternal lines from Petrus Arctophilacius at present. See more about this family at: Arctophile Origin of name???? 🐻 😄 A person who is very fond of and is usually a collector of teddy bears. Arctophile means just “bear loving, bear lover,” but in modern English specifically a lover of teddy bears, not grizzlies.


I made a map of the YFull kits with province listed for the Scandinavian countries and Finland with the basic idear that one kit should be one point. Mainly as an experimental alternative to other maps for showing the geographical distributions of the haplogroups. To avoid over plotting each point searches for a free space to be plotted and can also adjust size to squese in. This causes the ball shapes in especially Finland as most points are located to province landmass centroides.


Kartan visar laxgårdarna i Umeälvens nedre del under vad som troligtvis är 1500-talets senare del. Vid två av laxgårdarna finns namnet Grijs. Den ena är mellan vad som nu är Storsandskär och Tegssidan där det står “Teegs grijs Gården”. Tjuvhällan som är utmärkt på norra sidan av älven är nära där Botniabanans bro landar i dag. Den andra är “Peder Grijs Gården” vid Kungsboden. Namnen Kungsboden och Kungsstranden antyder att det tillhör Umeå Kungsgård.


This is the current status of the family tree of Q-L804 based on the data at YFull. Branch length in years I have estimated with the Ape package in R using maximum likelihood and the “strikt model”. The rightmost codes refer to actuall test persons (YFxxxxx). YF02661 is a decendant of Erik Ersson in Knaften. YFulls version of the tree can be found at: The idea of maximum likelihood here is to choose the branch lengh that gives the most likely “pedigree” given the observed number of SNPs at every branch.



(English summary: Link to a paper showing that the Rh-negative blood type stod for a big part of stillbirths and infant mortality clustering within families in Skellefteå.) När jag har släktforskat på Skellefteå släkter har jag märkt att det verkar som att det vilar en förbannelse över vissa familjer genom att en stor del av deras barn var dödfödda eller dog strax efter födseln. Skellefteå har även en mycket stor andel som har blodgrupp Rh-negativ.


The GINI (inequality measure) developement in the municipalities Sweden 1986-2013. GINI on the Y-axis, mean income in 100 SEK on the X-axis and bubbles corresponding to populaition size. First graph shows the biggest 50% of the municipalities and the second the smallest 50% by population size 2013.




Here is some statistics over geographical location of our major branches of U5 on Family Tree DNA. Blue is high proportion and red low. The branches are quite wide spread but with a consentration of U5b1 in especially Finland. If you are on Family Tree DNA It is important that you fill in the information about earliest known ancestor with location. To do that: Log in to your ftDNA konto Click on your name up at the right side Click on: account settings Click on: genealogy Click on: earliest known ancestor Ad info on ancestors and locations If your paternal ancestry is unknown (e.


Phylogenetic tree and branch defining mutations for U5b1b1a a branch mainly found in Northern Europe e.g. among sami. To view it is easiest to download and open in your favorite pdf viewer. It is not an official tree but one I use to indentify new mutations in the kits. Many of the mutations that only are found in 2-5 kits are new branches not yet considered as official brances.